Catholic University Hospital is a mobile application that can be used conveniently.
If you install it, you can receive various services at Daegu Catholic University Hospital as follows.
You can see the schedule of examinations and examinations at the hospital.
-Mobile payment / proxy payment
Medical bills can be conveniently stored on your mobile.
Far away family members can pay for their fees.
Waiting order
You can check the waiting list from anywhere.
You can wait in the coffee shop, not in front of the office.
You can easily make a medical appointment in the mobile app.
I can also look at the reservation
Medical History
You can easily check the details of the medical treatment at the hospital.
You can check both outpatient and hospitalization.
-Prescription Drug Inquiry
You can check at a glance the medicine prescribed at the hospital.
You can see a detailed explanation of the medication guide.
-Inspection result inquiry
You can check the results of the diagnostic tests performed at the hospital at once.
You can see the previous test results.
We will continue to add services related to patient experience.